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    Google's AI Answers and what it means for SEO

    Updated: Jun 7

    This blog covers what are AI Answers, how to adjust your cntent, working with Google, and other search engines.
    Google's new AI Answers explained

    "We were so busy trying to figure out if we could we never stopped to think if we should." Google introduces new AI Answers.

    This quote comes to mind when I think about Google's new AI Answers. If you've done a Google search in the last month you've probably noticed the answers that populate are now AI generated answers. It's one of those things that's a good idea in theory, but what does it do to small creators and brands banking on their thorough and expensive SEO strategies?

    What are AI Answers?

    AI Answers are generated responses to Google searches created by artificial intelligence. It appears it uses queried information from websites to generate the best answer, best being subjective. Some scholars worry that the AI Answers are not always correct, advising that users should go the extra step to fact check their findings.

    AI doesn't have all the answers just yet. Perhaps the machine is still learning, but every questions doesn't get an AI response. Below are examples of two searches I did recently. One about the best methods to silk press natural hair... no AI answers. The other is a search for quotes about books for an Instagram post, and boom, an AI Answer.

    Still, Google is moving fast! The program is new and won't have a full roll-out until the end of the year. As marketers, it's a good time to start preparing and tailoring our SEO and overall content strategies.

    What do AI answers mean for SEO?

    In short, Google gets automatic first dibs on visibility. Already the starting point for most internet use, Google will soon have the ability to attract and keep users on their site.

    While articles are still listed after the generated AI response, the troubling part is getting users to take that extra step to visit websites and blogs once they've found an auto-populated AI Answer. Even though our doctors will tell us not to believe everything we read on Google, there is still a demographic who will find an AI Answer and stop there.

    How should I adjust my content strategy?

    Make better content elsewhere. Make better content everywhere.

    For most brands, SEO isn't the only content marketing tactic. Whether it be email, social media, or your website. Make the content in those places that much better - increase engagement, clicks and viewership.

    When sharing content -whether on social media or elsewhere - that is informational, think about questions that might arise and answer those too. We'll never totally eliminate the use of Google, but the longer you can keep a user engaged in your content the better.

    Prioritize In-App purchases.

    Most social media platforms allow direct sales. Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will all let you sell directly through your app. Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace all have plugins that allow selling on at least one of these social media apps.


    If you sell a product, sell directly from the app. Make it easy for customers. Cut out the middle man.

    Work with, not against Google.

    Continue to focus on SEO. AI Answers offer quick, surface-level answers. If you want to compete be sure your content provides robust knowledge or something more than what can be found in an AI answer.

    Refresh your keywords, refresh old content. If you wrote about content strategy, go back an update that blog to "Content Strategy in 2024." Double- down on the same methods that already work.

    Get even more targeted with your keywords.

    The "other" search engines.

    Google isn't the only search engine anymore. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Reddit all function as search engines in their own right. When you post content on social media, be strategic with titles. Write captions with keywords in mind.

    Consider and fine tune your keywords on social media the same way you would with a blog or website content. Develop "campaign specific keywords" to increase your chances of being in a search. Don't forget the basics like optimizing titles, bios, including location, etc.

    AI Answers aren't the end of SEO

    Remember when everyone thought AI was going to come and take all of our jobs? That didn't happen. And the same way, AI won't ruin your content. What it does mean is that you should be that more strategic about your content strategy.

    A robust social media strategy aimed at building authority and positive feelings about your brand is a smart way to go.


    Lauren Thomas, CEO Limitless Marketing Co.
    Lauren Thomas

    Hi! I'm Lauren Thomas, a marketing strategist and owner of Limitless Marketing Co. My goal with this blog is to make tough topics easy to understand and apply. If you like marketing news and tips, subscribe to the Limitless Marketing Newsletter!

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